confidentiality agreement

Gizlilik Sözleşmesi

Confidentiality agreement,


Alanyanet internet İletişim San.Tic.Ltd.Şti. It is very important for us to protect all personal data you have shared with (“Alanyanet” or “Company”) in accordance with the law. We have prepared this information text to inform our customers, employees, companies we cooperate with and suppliers about Alanyanet's practices for the protection of personal data.

A. Personal Data Concept

Alanyanet name, surname, address, telephone number, TR ID number, place of birth,  date of birth, identity information, e-mail address, customer number, contract number, any data that we can identify the subscription, invoice, financial debt information, payment type, subscription status, tariff information, voice call records kept in accordance with call center standards, credit card and bank card information, website and customer behavior information, usage amount, location data, connection date and time information to the system regarding internet access, system exit date and time information, source and destination point information, all kinds of traffic data, CV provided in job applications. Collects, uses, protects, processes, preserves and shares all personal data obtained within the scope of the service contract and personnel file of Alanyanet employees, including, but not limited to, Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law”) and relevant legislation, deletes and destroys.

According to Article 3 of the Law, the processing of personal data includes any action on data such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying or preventing the use of these data. It covers all types of operations.

B. Processing Method of Personal Data and Legal Reason

1.     Alanyanet collects your personal data as "Data Controller" as defined in the Law. Alanyanet collects this personal data through subscription agreements, websites, mobile applications, sales channels, call centers, voice response verbally, in writing or electronically to the extent required by the products and services it offers in order to continue its commercial activities, to make contracts and to implement the contracts it has made. It is collected through the system and similar channels. 

2.     Alanyanet may transfer your Personal Data to the following natural or legal, private or public legal entities:

All our suppliers and business partners with whom we cooperate for the performance of the products or services offered to you,

Your attorneys and representatives authorized by you,

All kinds of administrative, judicial and other official institutions ordered by law, including but not limited to regulatory and supervisory institutions, courts, prosecutor's offices, enforcement offices, upon request or in accordance with legal obligations,

Lawyers, tax consultants, auditors and other third parties from whom services are received for reasons such as monitoring our legal rights regarding the products or services we offer and fulfilling legal requirements.

C. Purposes of Collection of Personal Data

Alanyanet processes your personal data for the following purposes in accordance with the principles and procedures specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law:

Offering, marketing, promoting telecommunication products or services or providing value-added services,

To inform you about discounts, campaigns and pricing for the products or services we offer,

Measurement of the services we offer, improvement and diversification of services, determination of strategy,

Invoicing for the services you benefit from, identification, all subscription transactions from contract conclusion to termination, provision of call center services, demand and complaint management, measurement of customer satisfaction, all kinds of customer relations activities,

Completion of reporting and other obligations required by regulatory and supervisory institutions and legal regulations, 

Applying for legal or administrative proceedings.

D. Your Rights as the Personal Data Owner

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law, you have the following rights regarding the protection of your personal data:

Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,

Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,

Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,

Requesting correction of personal data if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed, and requesting that third parties to whom the data has been transferred be informed in case of correction,

Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of Article 7 of the Law, and requesting information to be given to third parties to whom the data has been transferred in case of deletion or destruction,

Objection if a result arises against you as a result of analyzing the processed data exclusively with automatic systems,

Requesting compensation for damage in case of damage due to illegal processing of personal data.

In order to exercise your rights and make a request regarding personal data within the scope of the above-mentioned Law, you must submit your own petition (This petition must include the following: your name, surname, TR ID number, your address from which you want to receive a reply, your e-mail address or fax number, your application date, You can send us your detailed explanations regarding your request, signed, using the following methods:


1. Hand-Delivered Application in Written Form Deliver the application form with wet signature Hacet Mah. Tosbağcı St. No:29/A Antalya/Alanya A photocopy of the front of your identity card will be attached.
2. In Writing Through a Notary Notarization Hacet Mah. Tosbağcı St. No:29/A Antalya/Alanya -
3. Via Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) With registered e-mail (KEP) address --- -
4. Application with Your Email Address Registered in Alanyanet System By using your e-mail address registered in our company's system -
5. Application with Another E-Mail Address Not Available in Alanyanet System A written petition document signed with your mobile signature/e-signature  should be. This petition must contain the following information: (Name, surname, ID number, address or e-mail address from which you want to receive your response, explanations regarding your request)  

In order for us to finalize your application, the information and documents you have provided to us must be accurate and up-to-date, and if any deficiencies are detected in your application, we may request additional information from you. We would like to inform you that if the information and documents we provide to you as a result of your application require an additional cost, you may be required to pay the fee determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.


When the purchasing process begins, there is a direct encrypted communication between the user computer and the bank, and no information about the credit card is seen by employees or third parties. Making secure purchases online is safer than using your credit card at a regular restaurant or gas station.

At, your credit card number is not recorded in the system or known to the staff, and your CVV2 number cannot be seen by anyone except you. USER SECURITY AND PRIVACY DECLARATION Since the entire system is web-based, data called "cookies" are sent to users' web browsers in order to recognize users effortlessly and quickly confirm data security, and these cookies stored on customer computers are updated at regular intervals to ensure optimal system performance. Credit Card Security has been configured using the latest technology to provide you with uninterrupted service 24 hours a day. You will see a lock at the bottom of your browser on every page where you enter your personal information.

Also, Security Department works for you for credit card security. VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards of all banks are accepted in our store. never stores or records these numbers. Therefore, you will never show your credit card number to anyone! Data Security was established to provide you with a safe and comfortable shopping environment over the internet. All sensitive and personal information collected from users is stored at the highest electronic and physical security standards, with a system that can only be accessed by authorized personnel and only under user approval in mandatory cases, under the current T.R. It is used within the framework of laws and international laws. undertakes and guarantees not to disclose personal and sensitive information collected from users under any name, for any reason and to any addressee without user consent, not to share such information with third parties and not to misuse it in any way. Security of Your Personal Information All information you provide to will be kept strictly confidential. We are aware of how sensitive you are about your personal information. This information will not be sold or shared in any way. Data Sharing reserves the right to analyze and interpret general user information, other than the personal information mentioned above, and share it with distinguished business partners in order to make the services it provides more efficient and to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level. In addition, may evaluate this information and use it for purposes such as product updates and discount announcements.